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Kombucha Not Just for Hippies Anymore! (And more Great Reads)

Apr 25, 2016 by Kelly The Kitchen Kop

Reading is my favorite way to relax. Not that I have the extra time to actually sit down and devour a book very often, but I like to start a lot of them, and on our recent mini-vacation I was able to finish up a few…

Here are the latest great reads from my book pile:

  • Isn’t it interesting how kombucha isn’t just for hippies anymore, and how it’s gaining popularity even in mainstream circles? It’s at our local grocery store now! I’ve been back and forth and all over the place on the issue of kombucha. There’s no doubt that it’s a good-for-you fermented beverage, but in the beginning I made it more complicated than it is. First I listened to a lady named Betsy who had strong opinions on how it should be made; I learned later that she only had part of it right. Then I decided I didn’t like making kombucha anymore, mostly because it always tasted too vinegary to me, so I switched to kefir soda and loved the flavor after a second ferment. When I had some bottles burst in my fridge, TWICE, the fun-factor left that pretty quickly. (I need to get different bottles like these so I can “burp” them.) THEN I tried a local brand of kombucha and became a FREAK about it — I realized I love this stuff! It’s expensive though, so I’m seriously considering going back to making it again, and just adding in a second ferment to improve the flavor. That’s where this new book came into the picture, it’s by my friends, Alex and Hannah from Kombucha Kamp — they sent me The Big Book of Kombucha. Not only does it take you through each step to make it, it’s loaded with interesting pictures from all different stages, there are many ideas for health-building ways to use it besides for drinking, and my favorite part was the beginning where Hannah and Alex tell about their own health journey and how kombucha came into the picture. There are all the recipes you would expect (and then some – so many great ideas for flavoring, pages and pages worth) and also a few you wouldn’t expect, like recipes for how to eat your extra scobies! I couldn’t even begin to tell you all that is packed into this comprehensive encyclopedia on what many consider to be a very healthy part of their diet. You’ll learn about the health benefits of drinking kombucha (including the top 5 ways it relieves stress), and how it is a “gateway food” that can move you away from junk food and toward real food. “No matter what dietary guidelines you follow — raw, vegetarian, vegan, Paleo, real food, kosher, even the standard American diet (SAD) — kombucha can be a healthy addition. Anyone can add kombucha to their diet at any time and receive a benefit. This makes it a perfect starting point for those who want more healthy bacteria and yeast in his or her body.” Click here to get a copy of the Big Book of Kombucha, and you’ll definitely be referring back to it often. (p.s. It’s already a best seller on Amazon, fun huh?!)

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